Every project that requires a contractor for earthmoving is a big project in all respects; its therefore imperative you find the right contractor for your project. This is where Stoney Pinch shines, we provide superior service and all at a reasonable cost. Read on for our tips and tricks for selecting the right contractor for your next Adelaide earthmoving project.
Do your research! This is the biggest step in the process. Incomplete or inaccurate research on appropriate Earthmoving contractors in your region. You should find more than one in your area to compare. Most will have client testimonials on their website but it’s also imperative to be thorough before settling on your initial picks. You can then drill down on this list or reach out to them to tender for your project.
Compare and Negotiate
Each Earthmoving contractor provides a unique service, so most contracts will not be a fixed cost. This opens the doors to negotiations after receiving their quote or tender documents. Create a list of inclusions and exclusions for each and compare between the group. From here you can decide which inclusions are important to your project and which ones are less important.
You can choose to go back to contractors who are missing vital inclusions for your project and ask if they can revise their quote to include them, this way you’re not excluding an earthmoving contractor just because they didn’t include something in their original quote. This is the key part of the negotiation.
Experience is important, however, your newer companies, who may not be as experienced, may have staff who are. You need to decide on the balance your project needs between cost-effectiveness and experience and if you need an exceptionally experienced team to handle the project.
Past Projects
Some Earthmoving projects are more complex than others. Contractors experienced in Earthmoving are not necessarily able to handle every complex project safely and to a budget. This should be something you weigh up in your deliberations. Here is where requesting to see documentation from their previous projects is a good idea; enabling your assessment of their capability, imagination and innovation. This will also give you an idea of whether they have handled similar projects to your previously and show whether they have learned from past mistakes and mishaps. If the same problems arise, it shows the earthmoving contractor hasn’t worked to improve with each project.
Equipment Availability
Equipment is just as important as expertise, both human and material resources and how a project gets off the ground and winds up without incident. You will need to weigh up whether a company that owns its own machinery and stock is more important to your project than a company that leases their plant and machinery and the potential impact to the overall project and budget.
Your project has a deadline. Not every earthmoving contractor will be able to meet your project timeline and each contractor will have a different completion timeline. Whilst some contractors will come back with a quick turnaround time, it’s always a good idea to introduce incentives and penalties for not sticking to the timeline into the contract before signing.
If you are looking for a steadfast Earthmoving business or to seek a quote or tender, give the friendly Stoney Pinch team a call on 08 8586 5990.